Mrs. Petty’s Class / Daily Schedule
8:00-8:45– Morning work/tubs (independent practice) while teacher takes up binders, homework, and takes attendance.
8:45-9:00 Morning Meeting (Calendar, songs) whole group on carpet
9:00-11:00 Language Block Heggerty Phonics(carpet), Go Noodle movement activity, Science of Reading(carpet), Handwriting(tables), S.O.R. Centers(rotations), Countdown (Reading Readiness) on carpet
11:05-11:50 Lunch and Recess
11:50-12:10 Read AR book to students. Discuss content. Take AR test every two days.
12:15-1:05 Noncore (PE/computer lab)
1:15-2:20 Math Block (Whole group instruction on carpet.) Teacher does guided instruction and models lesson. Then students will do independent practice at tables. Students will start math center rotations.
2:30-2:50 Science/Soc. Studies
2:50-3:25 Third meal and prepare to go home.
3:25-3:30 Dismissal
Mrs. Petty’s Class / Daily Schedule